Anita Tosh
Hi, and welcome to my website. I am Anita Tosh, author of Christian End-Time Fiction books. You can find a variety of genres on my blog such as Bible studies, devotionals, fun stories, Inspirational, Children's stories, poems, even funny or scary stories. And Now you can preview chapter(s) from my book in progress, "Beth". Take a look. We hope you find something here you will like. You can click on the ribbon above to visit other pages of my website or click below to donate. Thanks for stopping by. God Bless
"I enjoyed reading this book. As the story unfolds, Jeremy goes from being just a typical young man to one mightily used by God. I love a story where an unsuspecting character grows into their own and is used in marvelous ways. It’s a story that, with everything as it is now, hits close to home. Can’t wait to read the next book!"
LeaAnne Beyer, UT
This Book Makes You Think
"Anita’s books have the ability to make you think and consider the possibilities open to you through Jesus."
Dianne Morrison, Broken Arrow OK
Thought Provoking
I find the book very thought provoking. It gives you a peek behind the curtain of everyday common events. It also expands the horizon of possibilities in your mind. It keeps you wondering what will come next!
Elizabeth Price, Abilene TX